• The property has historically operated with a blend of agricultural and commercial uses with shared access, parking and infrastructure.

  • All new buildings will be located on three Commercial Limited (CL) zoned parcels. Total acreage of CL zoned parcels is 3.64 acres.

  • Existing agricultural uses (vineyards, winery and tasting room and ancillary uses) on Agricultural Watershed (AW) zoned parcels shall remain.

  • Currently approved uses date back to 1966 and include a motel, two restaurants, a brewery, commercial retail space, art gallery, commercial office, a cafe, winery and tasting room.

infrastructure and utilities

  • Water

    • No additional water supply beyond what has historically been used will be required for this project.

    • Existing water sources are sufficient for build-out of the project.

    • A grey-water reclamation system is planned on the south parcel that will treat hotel grey-water and reuse the water for irrigation.

  • Wastewater

    • Wastewater from the north parcel is currently treated at a shared treatment facility (process and domestic waste) located at the Markham Winery. Wastewater generated from the proposed project from the north parcel will not increase from historic use. No increase in capacity is needed at the shared treatment facility to accommodate this project.

    • Wastewater from the south parcel has historically and will continue to be treated with a septic tank and leach system located within the AW zone. Additionally, a grey-water reclamation system will be installed for the hotel that will reduce the wastewater flows to the septic system and provide reclaimed grey-water for irrigation, further reducing water demands.

traffic and parking

  • Traffic

    • A traffic study has been prepared and submitted as required by Napa County Planning, Building & Environmental Services (PBES).

    • A traffic signal will not be warranted at the intersection of Highway 29 and Lodi Lane.

    • The driveway at Highway 29 will be modified to include a directional median to improve traffic flow and safety for vehicles entering and exiting the property.

    • Westbound on Lodi Lane, new striping will be required to create dedicated right and left turn lanes.

    • Guest and staff vehicular access between the parcels north and south of Lodi Lane will be accommodated via internal driveways.

  • Parking

    • A parking demand study was prepared for the project and 198 shared parking spaces are planned to accommodate visitor and employee parking needs throughout the property.

    • A new valet courtyard is planned between the existing buildings and the new hotel building on the north parcel. A valet parking garage is planned under the new hotel building that can accommodate approximately 54 and will eliminate a significant amount of surface parking visible from Highway 29.

    • Where possible, guest parking areas will be converted from non-permeable asphalt paving to permeable paving, thereby increasing groundwater recharge.


  • Over the course of 10 years from the date of opening, Napa County is estimated to receive approximately $27 million in tax revenue from this project. This represents a combination of Transient Oriented Tax, Tourism Improvement Tax District Tax, Sales Tax and Property Tax. The City of St. Helena will receive approximately $2.0 million in tax revenue over the same time frame from Property Tax revenue.

  • The development will generate approximately $29 million in indirect economic benefits to the local community once the hotel is fully operational and stabilized. Indirect economic benefits are defined as dollars that are re-spent through the purchase of goods and services in the local economy.

  • More than 50 new permanent jobs will be created with an annual payroll of $4 million, while the construction of the project is estimated to generate approximately 180 jobs with an annual payroll of $10 million.