Below is an aerial photograph of the project area with property boundaries and zoning designations. Freemark Abbey has a unique mix of land use and has historically operated as a cohesive blend of commercial and agricultural zoning. Current uses include a motel, two restaurants, a brewery, commercial retail space, art gallery, commercial office, winery and tasting room. Due to the mixed use nature of the property, development within the CL and AW parcels have historically shared driveways, parking and infrastructure such as water, wastewater, gas and electricity.
Aerial photograph with parcels and zoning
The proposed site plan is illustrated below. New buildings on the north and south parcels are planned within the Commercial Limited (CL) zone. Existing agricultural uses within the Agricultural Watershed (AW) zone such as vineyards and winery operations shall remain and are not a part of this project. Driveways, parking areas and infrastructure will continue to be shared as they have been in the past. Building 1 (Stone Building) shown below is the only existing building within the commercially zoned parcels to remain as a part of this project. All other existing buildings in the CL zoned areas will be demolished to make way for the new buildings labeled 2 through 7 below. The proposed Napa Valley Vine Trail (8) alignment is also shown below.